Escape the chains of
chronic distraction and perpetual dissatisfaction in just 8 Weeks.

Millions of people dabble in Yoga and Meditation without ever uncovering their full benefits. But once you discover the power of combining them into one seamless practice, you’ll be able to systematically optimize your body and mind, and unlock the best version of yourself.

Discover the secret to building a life where contentment is the norm, not the exception.

Dan Goldfield, Online Dharma Teacher, 20k+ Followers

Terry Cockburn, E-RYT 500

“The very best teachers are the ones who spend their lives dedicated to practice. Rob is that rare gem of a teacher who not only talks the talk – he truly walks the walk. I've had the pleasure of working with Rob over the past decade in the meditation and yoga world; from attending our first extended silent retreat together at IMS, to many yoga teacher trainings and teacher development cohorts. It's been a gift having Rob in my life as a trusted and esteemed colleague, and I know his students are incredibly blessed as well. Rob is a compassionate and caring teacher who will guide you well on your journey and practice of meditation and yoga. “

Rose Wippich, E-RYT 500, QiGong Instructor

Do you ever find yourself just drifting through your life, each day blurring by without a tether to the present??

  • You’re always on a quest to escape, looking for peace in distraction. But the illusion of doom-scrolling, booze, video games, and all the other diversions all fade quickly, revealing a deeper emptiness that’s always there.

  • You get the idea of ‘living in the present moment,’ but in practice, your mind is always lost in worry about the past or future.

  • You're in a constant battle with restlessness. Your mind rushes from one thought to the next, and you have no idea how to calm the storm.

  • You want to relax but are nagged by a constant sense of tension and anxiety in your body.

  • You want to focus and improve, whether on your studies, work, or fitness. But you don’t know how to manage your discomfort with resistance.

It can all feel overwhelming, but working with an experienced teacher who has walked this path will make all the difference.

Hi, I'm Rob, and for far too many years, I was just surviving, teetering from day to day, trying to get by.

Until Yoga and Meditation finally helped me to break free.

To truly understand my journey, let's rewind back to the days long before I discovered them.

Drowning In Excess

You see, back in my late teens and early 20s, I partied…HARD.

From my first semester of college until the time I turned 21, I dove headfirst into the rabbit hole of the NYC rave scene and everything that goes with it - the drugs, the late nights, etc.

Looking back on it, I was always trying to find some solace, some true escape. 

But amidst the flashing lights, the shaking bass bins, and the endless all-nighters, I found none - just a mirage of euphoria that hid the hollow feeling underneath.

For three years, I submerged myself in this lifestyle, never coming up for air.

I even dropped out of college after my third semester, as I had no sense of focus and no real plan for the future.

Shattering My Heart

In the midst of this crazy time in my life, I found what seemed like an anchor of stability when I fell for a girl.

For a while, life felt like a whirlwind movie montage. 

Almost every weekend, there was a different party and different DJs.

The emotions were INTENSE and amplified all the more by the trappings of the scene.

As the beats echoed through our chests, we danced all night without a care in the world.

Imagine my despair when, after almost two years together, I was blindsided by her cheating on me with one of my best friends from high school.

Apparently everybody except for me knew about this ‘secret,’ but I was so lost in a fog of denial and distraction that I couldn’t see what was right in front of my face.

Ultimately, she left me for him, and I was left alone, feeling like a shell of a man.

The heartbreak was more than just temporary pain; the blatant betrayal and my ignorance of it planted seeds of social anxiety and fears of abandonment that cast long shadows.

It would be years before I had another serious relationship. 

To make matters worse, the raver ‘friends’ I was left with didn’t actually care about me and offered little support. All they cared about was going to the next party.

I was left feeling even more alone and even more alienated.

I stayed in the scene for a few more months, but the magic was gone. There was nothing left there.

Burned by betrayal, numb from the excess, and without any true friends, I finally got out.

Living in Numbness

But the damage was done, and the neurochemical fallout from that time would be long-lasting.

As I started to put my life back together, I applied and got accepted into my dream school, Berklee College of Music.

Music was the one thing in life that I had ever truly dedicated myself to. I had played piano since I was 4 and electric bass since I was 11. Now, I finally had a place where I could actually use those skills, and I had a positive path forward in life.

However, the negative echoes of my party years truly stifled me throughout college.

I had a hard time making friends, and I spent most of my free time binge-watching reality TV and looking at internet porn.

Instead of fully immersing myself in my musical skills, I was wasting much of my time on endless distractions.

And just as with my raving days, that void still remained.

One glimmer of hope was a classmate who invited me to work out with him at the gym and taught me a bit about how to train.

This was my first taste of fitness and well-being, and it created a foundation that would later help me in building my yoga practice.

Still, that dark, lingering cloud shadowed me through these valuable years, and when I look back at that time, I remember feeling a constant dullness. It was like nothing could ever compare to the excitement that came before.

To make things worse, I was crippled by social anxiety, especially around women, and found myself unable to respond to any signs of interest, even when they were there.

I was trapped in a prison of my own making, and the empty feeling lasted through most of this time.

I was desperate for something, anything, to help me escape.

Finding the Light

It was during the second semester of my junior year at Berklee, still plagued by the echoes of my past, that I unassumingly walked into my first Yoga class.

I came simply looking to stretch and help my flexibility but found something far more profound.

This simple decision, made almost on a whim, completely changed the path of my life.

I didn’t know it at the time, but yoga and meditation would be the keys that would finally help me to escape my years of mental incarceration. 

I still remember the feeling of laying there on the mat after my first few classes. 

It was the most alive and vibrant I had felt since the wild days of late nights and flashing lights. 

This was just the beginning, but I had finally started down a different path.

I realized that it was possible to feel good again and that maybe there might even be a way to let go of the emptiness inside.

At the yoga studio, I soon learned about Vipassana Meditation and how to look more closely at the workings and reactions of the mind.

And I met my teacher, Josh Summers, who introduced me to the more introspective practice of Yin Yoga, and how to seamlessly integrate it with my mindfulness practices.

He and my other teachers have shown me the importance of having an experienced guide to show what is possible through these practices.

Armed with these new tools, consistent practice sessions finally began to shine through the toxic cloud of negative mental patterns.

I started to see the many ways I was sabotaging myself and holding back, and I got a taste of what it was actually like to feel good again.

And I became acutely aware of the many ways I had been my own saboteur, ensnared by tension in my body caused by traumas accumulated over years.

Unearthing Quiet Satisfaction

Bit by bit, class after class, meditation after meditation, I unraveled the karmic knots of my past and found the peace that I was so desperately searching for.

I also sought professional help from a trained therapist, as yoga and meditation are invaluable tools but not a replacement for true mental health care.

It wasn’t always easy. Discipline didn’t come naturally, and my demons haunted me for some time.

But I never stopped starting. Each practice peeled away another layer.

Over time, I learned how to feel at ease in my own body and how to project that confidence outward.

The anxiety and hollowness of my early 20s eventually transformed into a sense of calm and fulfillment.

I had finally unlocked the best version of myself and started to live the life I had always wanted to live.

Ultimately, Yin Yoga and Meditation didn’t just pull me back from the brink; they became my life’s work. 

Since 2009, I have dedicated myself to sharing what I’ve learned, guiding over 7000 practices, and touching the lives of thousands of students along the way.

With thousands of hours devoted to practice, study, and teaching, and having gone through my own journey of self-healing, I am eager to share all that I’ve learned with you so that you can unlock the best version of yourself.

Meditation and Yin Yoga are practices that have been perfected through millennia of trial and error.

Harness the power of these ancient tools to optimize your mind and body so that you can live your best, most present life.  

  • You’ll learn how to break the endless cycle of distraction and diversion, and shift towards finding true contentment with yourself.

  • You’ll see how to find a natural sense of stillness beneath the normal turbulence of your chattering mind.

  • You’ll master how to work with discomfort instead of running away from it. Challenging situations will become an opportunity for growth instead of a pain to be avoided.

  • You’ll gain a deep understanding of your body and release years of built-up physical tension that are holding you back.

  • By integrating natural awareness into the fabric of your days, you’ll break out from stagnation and build a solid foundation for living your best life

These benefits aren’t just empty promises; they are all real changes I encountered in my own journey through Yin Yoga and Meditation. 

The path wasn’t always easy, but it was, without a doubt, the best investment of my time I’ve ever made.

My life these days is a complete reversal from the hollow, anxious existence I used to live. I now wake up with a sense of purpose and confidence. I feel calm in my body and clear in my mind.

I’ve condensed the most important lessons that I learned through my many years of practice into my 8-Week Immersion: Embodied Mindfulness

If you’re ready to let go of the weight of your past and start making real change, please let me be your guide.

Nothing would bring me more joy than to help you master the power of these practices for yourself.

Embodied Mindfulness

An 8-Week Immersion Into Meditation and Yin Yoga

Embodied Mindfulness is an 8-week program that will guide you through the process of cultivating mindful awareness in all areas — from your meditation cushion and yoga mat to the chaos of daily life.

You will learn how to seamlessly integrate the mental practice of meditation with the physical practice of Yin Yoga.

While they are effective separately, when combined in a coordinated way, they feed into each other exponentially and lead to true mind-body integration.

Mindfulness meditation will teach you how to notice the loops and negative habits of your mind. If you’ve ever felt like you’ve been running through your life on autopilot, mindfulness is the key to breaking out of these patterns

Yin Yoga extends the power of mindfulness into the physical realm, allowing you to systematically unwind years of deeply held tension.

You'll learn how to infuse your entire day with the clarity of practice, eliminating the divide between structured sessions and daily life.

Embodied Mindfulness will give you the tools and, most importantly, the support and guidance you need to find the sense of balance that you’ve always wanted.

What Rob’s Students Are Saying…

How does the program work?

The course is a distillation of years of experience gained in my own practice and through time spent working with students.

Weekly lesson modules will guide you through the art of refining your practice. 

We will start simple and build systematically, ensuring you develop a deep and enduring skill set. Each week builds on the last, leading to an increasingly potent practice. You’ll start with the very basics of mindfulness and build towards more and more subtle forms of practice.

You’ll also have access to three weekly prerecorded 60-minute Yin Yoga classes and a 30-minute guided meditation.  

These sessions create the perfect setting for you to experiment with and refine the techniques at your own pace and to apply what you've learned directly into practice. They will also allow you to integrate the mental work within your physical body. Stress and tension will become a thing of the past.

However, the most valuable component of our week will be your private session with me via Zoom. 

This dedicated time slot is vital for understanding the lesson concepts and practices in depth. This will be your opportunity to raise questions and clarify doubts, ensuring we can adjust the practices to suit your exact needs and lifestyle challenges perfectly.

Embodied Mindfulness is not just a course but a truly personalized journey with one-on-one support at each step of the way.

To summarize, each week, you will get the following:

  • A detailed weekly practice guide, including approximately 30 minutes of video instruction.

  • A 30-minute guided meditation based on the themes of the week.

  • Three Yin Yoga practices that integrate the theme and instructions for the week so that you can put them directly into practice.

  • A 45-minute private Zoom session with me, where you can discuss your practice, and we can truly personalize your work.

The course contains over 30 hours of instruction in total!

Are you ready to take the next step towards living a more balanced and present life?

Due to the amount of one-on-one time in the course, space is limited.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • While some experience with Yin Yoga or Meditation will make it easier in the beginning, the course is set up to start from the foundation, so it is appropriate for students of any level.

  • Even if you’re already familiar with Yin Yoga or Meditation, this course will provide you with a solid framework with which to continue developing your practice.

    As the weeks go on, we will cover deeper and deeper topics.

    Also, the combination of the two practices adds a whole new layer of depth that you likely have not experienced before

  • Because these practices take time to develop, the minimum expectation from my students is at least 30 minutes of daily meditation practice throughout the course. Also each student must complete the 3 Yin Yoga practices each week.

    Averaged out, you will be spending about an hour each day on your practice.

  • While the program is designed to be taken 8 weeks in a row, because it consists of both recorded content and private sessions it is possible to adjust the schedule if needed.

    Send me a message down below and we can discuss options to customize the timeline.

  • Because of these practices’ unique and personal nature, I can’t 100% guarantee results. However, if you are not satisfied with the course within the first two weeks, I will refund the price to you.

  • Payments are handled through Stripe, one of the world’s leading payment processors - so you know your transaction is safe and secure.

Are you ready to dive deep into Mindfulness and Yin Yoga?

Enrollment is currently closed.
Sign up below to preview the first week!

Embodied Mindfulness Course Preview

Sign Up With ZERO Risk:

I am 100% confident in my teaching and methods, but you have to put in the work, too.

What I ask of you:

  1. Complete all of the lessons and assigned practices for the first 2 weeks of the course.

  2. Complete 2 private sessions with me where I can offer you methods to personalize your practice.

If you are still not satisfied, I will offer you a full refund of the course fees.

Not sure if Embodied Mindfulness is the right program for you?

Fill out the form to schedule a call with me.

More positive feedback from Rob’s students: